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My Name is Anny Slegten

with a Y (a Flemish spelling)


Reiki Master / Teacher,  Master Remote Viewer,  Master Hypnotist,

Clinical Hypnotherapist,  Hypno-Baby Birthing Facilitator and Instructor, HypnoBirthing Fertility Therapist for Men & Women,  â€‹Author

Director of the

Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta since 1989

Belgian born, Anny learned the skills of auto-suggestion in the Belgian Congo, where she lived from 18 months old until coming to Canada with her Belgian born husband at the age of 24.


In Canada, she began helping friends privately.  Today, she has built her personal interest and natural affinity to help people into a thriving counseling practice and a well-respected Training Institute.


Wanting to learn hypnosis and hypnotherapy, Anny took the complete in-person training at the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, run by Matt Reiser trained in the U.S.A. by Gil Boyne, a well-known and highly respected individual in the field of hypnosis and hypnotherapy.


Upon graduating as a clinical hypnotherapist Anny opened her office in Sherwood Park, Alberta, in 1984.

Anny became the Director of the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta at the passing of Matt Reiser, and at present time, Anny is the Director of one of the longest established hypnosis and hypnotherapy schools in North America.


Today, she has built her personal interest and natural ability to help people into a thriving counseling practice and a well-respected Training Institute.

Founder and Director, Canadian Institute of Hypnosis, Kinesiology and Complementary Therapies, Anny is presently Director of the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta and holds many certifications including that of Master Hypnotist and Clinical Hypnotherapist. 


Anny has completed her training in Remote Viewing Technologies, Hypno-Baby Birthing Facilitator, Hypno-Birthing Fertility Therapist, and Spirit Releasement Therapist.

Anny has also studied and completed her training in a wide variety of disciplines to complement and augment her skills as a hypnotherapist. Anny has attended all of these courses in person. 


Additional techniques used to enhance her work are:

  • Age Regression Therapy

  • Anchoring

  • Dissociative Identity Disorder

  • Dream Therapy

  • Educational Kinesiology

  • Eye Movement Integration

  • Family Constellation

  • Foot Reflexology

  • Karuna Reiki

  • Kinesiology

  • Multiple Personality Disorders

  • Neuro-Linguistic Programming

  • Past-Life Therapy

  • Post-Incident Stress Syndrome

  • Pre- and Peri-Natal Therapy

  • Rebirthing

  • Qigong

  • Spirit Releasement Therapy

  • Three in One Concepts

  • Touch for Health

  • Thought for Health

  • Usui Reiki


​Anny is past member of the Association of Past Life Research and Therapies, the Alberta Arbitration and Mediation Society, and the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners.


Attending International Hypnotherapy Conventions, she continues to expand her knowledge through courses and the continuous process of learning from private sessions with clients.


Anny also initiated several new hypnotherapy modalities, including ‘The building Induction’ technique as well as’ Investigation and Healing Hypnotherapy sessions at a distance called ‘Surrogate Sessions’, just to name a few.

A Reiki Master, Anny teaches the four levels of the Usui Method of Natural Healing known to us as Reiki as presently taught in Japan and called Traditional Japanese Reiki as well as Reiki as practiced in North America.  She was formally introduced to Life Force Energy training in Ontario, Canada, in 1976, and was initiated into Reiki in Alberta in March 1992. Anny is grateful to all the Reiki Masters who helped her in her search for the source of the Usui System of Natural Healing known to us as Reiki. 

Anny was initiated as a Reiki Master/Teacher in 1995 and took her Karuna
(TM) Reiki Master/Teacher Training in February 1997. In September 1999 Anny attended the Japanese Reiki Techniques Training in Detroit with Frank Arjava Petter Reiki Master/Teacher from Japan and author of many excellent books on Reiki. In May 2006 Anny completed Komyo Reiki Shinpiden given in Edmonton by Reverend Hyakuten Inamoto of the Koato Reiki Kai (Kyoto Center), Japan and is accredited as Shihan/Teacher.

Anny is fluently bilingual in French and English.  Her commitment to life-long learning and the ability to share her growth experience with others has earned her the reputation of one of the most respected and admired hypnotherapists in Canada and abroad.


The Reiki Training


Success and More


Slegtenian Hypnosis


Anny Slegten


Our Other Faculty Members


Colin Christopher

Colin is a Personality Entertainer and one of North America’s most popular stage hypnotists. He’s had the pleasure of hypnotizing people on over 100 different shows for networks like ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, Global, City, CTV and many others. Check out some of his fun TV appearances at

Colin is also a celebrated author and graduate of the Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta as well as a member in good standing of the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners as a clinical hypnotherapist and hypnosis instructor. Here at the HTIA he teaches the Stage Hypnosis Master Course and the Powerful Sales and Marketing Course.


Péter Solymos

ACHE Clinical Hypnotherapist,  Authorized Hypnotism Instructor in Poland, Czech Repulblic and Slovenia (EU)

Péter is an experienced hypnotherapist and mental health professional, born and raised in Soviet-era Hungary. Educated in Finland, travelling worldwide and fluent in multiple languages, he is a true cultural all-rounder with a strong pan-European mindset.

Beyond hypnotherapy and mental health, he has strong educational background both in Management and International Business, and uses his knowledge to support industry players and private clients in reaching their objectives. Among his special interests is bringing hypnotism to acceptance as a leadership counselling and training tool for industry leaders.

Péter is a natural-born generalist: his fascination lies at the meeting point of approaches, and he offers a blend of hypnotism that has building blocks from a variety of mental health techniques. To share his insights, he occasionally gives courses as a guest instructor in Alberta on the applicability of Hellinger's family constellation system to hypnotherapy

Stage Hypnotist,  Stage Hypnosis Instructor,  Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist,
TV Personality,  Author,  Speaker

Let’s Get in Touch

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Hypnotism Training

Institute of Alberta

Located in Sherwood Park, AB, Canada on a beautiful estate, just a short drive off the East Anthony Henday Drive (Hwy 216)
ring road, Exit 66.

Please give Anny a call when needing directions to her office.

Mailing Address (not the office location):

26 Cranford Way,

Post Office Box 3294,

Sherwood Park, AB   T8H 2T2



Landline (24/7 Voicemail): 780.922.1138

Toll-free: 1.800.330.5999

Fax: 780.922.1147

© 2020 by Hypnotism Training Institute of Alberta.    |    Website proudly created by Next Phase Multimedia

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